Campera is an Andalusian mare who came to India from Seville in 2015. She is the absolute darling of many because she looks a bit like a unicorn. She is also quite smart, begs for treats like a dog, and has a mind of her own (which she will happily demonstrate if she ever feels bullied by her rider). She has won many competitions and is famous for her unbeatable dressage tests.
Iberica is Campera’s best friend. This dark bay mare is also from Spain and is a PRE (Pura Raza Espanola, or Pure Spanish Breed). Younger and less opinionated than Campera, she is quite stunning and is making remarkable progress in her dressage.
Galateo is our latest addition to our herd. He is a magnificent PRE stallion ,who joined RERS in July 2021 from his home in Andalusia.
He is only 7 years old, but has been schooled extremely well and loves doing his Piaffes and Passages. We are hoping that in the next year , he will compete on the Prix Saint George level with his very proud owner Samartha.
Since he is also extremely well behaved around the mares in the stable, we are planning to start Red Earth’s breeding program of PRE horses with this wonderful stallion.
Mylady is a French warmblood mare, who was one of the first sporthorses imported to South India. She was an amazing jumper in her day and has had a successful dressage career in her old age. She is still being ridden occasionally and everybody loves the elderly lady.
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Blue Casper
Blue Casper is a striking dark bay retired racehorse. It took years to quieten this high-strung thoroughbred, but with a lot of love and patience, he has now become a reliable steed for his young owner. They have shared proud moments in the dressage as well as in the jumping arena together.
Aviva is a spry little thoroughbred mare, with a willing temperament and beautifully soft eyes. While she already goes with students, she is still in training and has had some very good rounds in both jumping and dressage competitions.
Aztek Star is a real star. He is a retired racehorse as well but has been retrained into a wonderful dressage horse. He shines in the arena, has competed successfully in the Junior National Championships, but is also kind enough to absolute beginners. A true Star!
Ariant is another retired racehorse. His owner bought him from another riding school in Bangalore, where he was trained for jumping. His owner took him for his first competition and promptly won a gold medal.
Chong is a true mixed breed. She is half French warmblood and half English thoroughbred. She is another all-rounder, who is very careful with beginner riders, but can also bring home medals in the jumping ring.
Gigi only came to Red Earth in late February 2021 as an unraced 4-year-old mare from the Bangalore Racecourse. Her racing name was Go Getter, but that was simply not cute enough for this beautiful girl. Kali has chosen her as his personal project and the results are amazing already.
Strong Soldier is one of the most active 16 year olds you’ll ever meet. His outgoing personality is balanced out with his talent for dressage. He enjoys his Parelli sessions and his time in the paddock. Apart from that, he has competed in the junior nationals (and won individual 2nd with his owner) and in the FEI. His curiosity knows no bounds and he enjoys jumping every now and then. Definitely one of the most interesting horses you will meet.
Royal Attire is another young unraced mare who came in February 2021 from the Chennai Racecourse. She has a particularly Thoroughbred physique and is a bit spooky when she sees new things. We thought the big dogs would give her the biggest fright, but she was actually most unnerved by our little white cat Columbus, who loves to lay next to the dressage arena. Royal is undergoing training with Arun.
Supreme Commander is a dark bay gelding, who came to Red Earth in February 2021 from the Chennai Racecourse after a successful racing career. He is a lanky boy with great big strides and a lovely temperament. With another 100 kg on his frame, we expect he’ll look like a warmblood!
Star Victorious is a beautiful and impressive-looking chestnut mare who came from the Chennai Racecourse in February 2021. When Jacqueline first looked at her there, others advised her to steer clear of this proverbial high-strung chestnut mare. But somehow Star found her way into Jacqueline’s heart. Now with Arun’s dedicated training, she has lost her spookiness and follows Arun like a little puppy. Star will surely turn out to be a real star. A victorious one, too.
Royal Velvet is everybody’s sweetheart. He came also from Chennai in February 2021 and is a very light chestnut gelding with a golden mane. He looks like a mix of a Haflinger and a thoroughbred and behaves like a pony, which makes us think that he might have a mixed bloodline. He loves coffee and jam sandwiches, is not scared of anything. He also has a big black birthmark on his neck that looks like a big black oil spill, which makes him all the more endearing.
Chua is another senior member of the group. He was bred by the Indian Army many years ago and is a mix between a Kathiawari and, unlikely enough, an Austrian Haflinger. Both breeds are known for being stubborn and clever and Chua is a prime example of how crossbreeding can have its challenges. He is the smartest horse we ever had: he can open any lock or paddock gate and has thrown more people of his back than any other horse. Even in his old age, he still dominates the entire gang, and we love him for it.
Azad is a mix between a Kathawari and a pony, who came to us about a year ago. His previous owner is a passionate natural horsemanship enthusiast and she did a fantastic job with Azad. He is very sociable, loves to do his groundwork , but to everyone's surprise has become an amazing dressage pony in no time. He also jumps, but only with the people he likes. He’s the favourite of all the kids , who have outgrown our little ponies, but are not yet ready for the horses.
Azad is super clever and manages to jump/climb/dig his way out of any enclosure, so we have to try extra hard to make him happy to stay with us ...
Caillou is a little chestnut pony mare who came in 2014 from the bottom tip of India to us. Famous for being able to find the edible bits in any arena, she is a superb pony once convinced that her rider is strong enough to control her, jumps beautifully and even has competed in the IDDL canter test already.
Calypso came to us along with Caillou and Pebbles in 2014. She is a quiet pony and loved by many of our students. She canters quite readily and jumps nicely, without being temperamental or bucking. She has worked quite a bit with Arun without the bridle and the saddle. She is a medal winner in the kids IDDL competitions.
When she came to us, she was very skinny, but began putting on weight to our great relief. But imagine our delight when we came into the paddock a few months later and there was a baby Calypso at her side. She had been pregnant all along and nobody knew. The foal was named Surprise, for obvious reasons.
Surprise came as a complete surprise, born to Calypso whom we had no idea was pregnant. But then one morning in June 2016, we came out to find a cute baby pony in the pony paddock, to our astonishment and delight. Surprise has grown up to be a round ball of joy to the kids. She is sweet and doesn’t make a single wrong step. Already, she is competing and the only thing that frightens her is water.
Flicka came to us from another place in Auroville in 2017. She is a gentle pony mare with a dense mane and tail that the students love to braid. Despite being blind in one eye, she is confident and completely reliable with even the youngest of riders on pony walks and even does a bit of jumping with the more advanced students.
Chikoo is Flicka’s son and he is a beautiful but naughty chestnut stallion. He can be rather playful in the paddock, but except for the occasional buck in canter he is a steady pony to ride. He is the best jumper of all the ponies.
Amber is the smallest pony we have at Red Earth. She is a chestnut mare and is very quiet. We use her for our smallest students because we can absolutely trust her.
Nari is a chestnut gelding who came from Tuticorin in 2018 as a 4-year-old. Since he has begun training with Arun, he has become very expressive. He has already won medals in dressage and is now learning to jump.
Mojo came with Nari in 2018. She was super skinny and not very well. Since regaining her strength she has started training, but we can’t trust her yet with students as she still bucks like the proverbial bronco.
Pebbles came to us with Caillou and Calypso. Unfortunately, she suffered a minor fracture in her leg in 2019 and is retired from her riding life. She is now expecting a baby from Chikoo and we all are looking forward to another bundle of cuteness.
Priyanka is a little pony mare with a beautifully thick mane who came to us from Thiruvannamalai as a 3- or 4-year-old because her former owner didn’t know how to take care of her. With her sweet temperament, she has been ridden bareback, but has no clue yet about most things in a riding school pony’s life.
Lightning is a little skewbald pony gelding who came to us in 2004 from another riding school in Chennai. We understood very quickly why they wanted to give him away – Lightning still holds the record for throwing the most people off, often within the first minute they had mounted! But if a rider was able to stay on and he accepted them, he was a glorious pony. He did dressage, cross-country, cleared over jumps as high as his withers and even did some fun tent pegging. He is now living a happy retired pony life.